Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blue Spots

I am leading a storytelling workshop for youth today so thought I would dress a little sassy. This scarf makes me feel sassy alright. Of course, Animal print always has that effect on me.  So I was hamming it up in the park today.. bored of my same old poses so was goofing off.  I was even trying to get some action shots by throwing the scarf up in the air  but it didn't really work out and then I realized I should get my butt to work!!!

Off to the east coast later this week so I hope to get some fun photos and outfit shots in good locations for you.  I love this time of the year for photography- the light is perfect and of course, its time to pull out the boots and scarves so I am a happy girl!!

Hope you are all well. Someone asked me on the weekend if I was a model. I laughed about that, but then realized I guess  I actually am. For myself!! LOL She said she thought because I was so tall and graceful and that I had such nice clothes that I must be a model. Well. Nice compliment. But only a model in my own mind.

Do you get crazy compliments like that ever??    xoxo J


  1. Hi Jodi, I love this scarf! I also wish I could sit in on your workshop...I train my young journalists to be master story tellers. If you write to tell a great story, then people want to read what you have to say!! Would love to see how you teach them!! You are a perfect model in every way!

  2. You ARE a model, a role model and a fashion model - so your complimenter was right-on. Love your outfit, your poses and that cool blue scarf.

  3. I could see someone mistaking you for a model. Would never happen to me... Love the scarf, btw.

  4. I love all these poses...and those boots are soo cute :)

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  5. love that fun scarf, so happy we can start to wear scarves again without sweating our fannies off.
    love the "action" shots.
    you are looking so lovely these days my friend!!
    have fun on the east coast

  6. Photo #2 shows off the sass to great effect. I'd love to be a little mouse in a workshop like this...and the muscles would command your students attention too.

  7. Those boots are fabulous - you really look great in this outfit. And you know I love me some animal print - fabulous scarf!

  8. I have definitely been asked if I was a model - I think that is really the only thing people can come up with when they see some girl posing in front of a camera. I also get all sorts of comments about not having a person behind the camera. So annoying.

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. you're so cute! you do look like a model! you should def be on the cover a fitness magazine asap.

    people compliment my hair a lot and it's crazy because I am not in love with my hair. just goes to show how critical we can be of ourselves.
