Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Group Shot

Today we had a professional photographer come in to take a group photo of all of our team at work (everyone who works in the building). So, I had to dress professionally and not to wild or else I would have stood out like a sore thumb. I thought the pop of red would work.  Lots of compliments on the new necklace too, which I love (the necklace, sillies, not the compliments.. well.. yeah, I LOVE the compliments too!!).

These are my most favorite shoes.  There is something to be said for waiting. I was always wanting red shoes and I could never find the perfect ones. I just knew they would show up sooner or later. Then, over the winter, there was a clearance sale and all the summer stuff got put out and sold and really low prices. I got these for a really great price and I love them!!

Hope everyone is having a super awesome day today-- I know I am!! MWAH lovelies... xoxo Jodi


  1. Such a fun necklace.
    I'm on the lookout for some more shoes in that style...but in a light neutral (like gold or nude)...I have so many outfit ideas for pointy toed shoes, but only own 2 pairs!

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  2. those shoes are gorgeous, definitely worth the wait

  3. Look at you, Sassy McGee! You look fabulous. And those shoes are perfect.

  4. Talk about the perfect red shoes......I have such a belief too that one day they would just turn up and sweep me off my feet. :) I love how you look so great in pencil skirts and low heel/ flat shoes, it's a necessity for me now so you;re really an inspiration.


    Twitter - @ishrattrishna

  5. Oh, I love that second shot. The pose is perfect, the outfit clicks and the camera did its job. You're a real femme fatale!

  6. wow. fantastic photos! the skirt in the first photo looks AMAzING on you and I LOVE the shot of the shoe

  7. LOVE the necklace
    we need a close up
    the shoes are awesome too

  8. Ah, the illusive red shoe. It continues to escape my grasp. Those are so pretty.

    As for compliments, I love it when women are kind to each other, we need to stick together - life can be hard!
