Monday, July 18, 2011

Blue and Camel

Is it just me or is it quiet in Bloggerland? I don't know about you but I feel tapped out of creativity when it comes to snazzy outfits these days. I look in my closet and just sigh- what the h$ll am I going to wear?  And I do not need new clothes.  I tried the 30 for 30 this time around (for the 3rd time) and this time I lost interest after about 3 days. Thats not like me.  I have also sent personal emails to a few bloggers who have gone AWOL just to check in and see if they are okay.  I think it's good to take some time for other things and sometimes just a refresher break. Lately I haven't had alot of time between work and training to get out and take my daily photo anyway.  And sometimes wearing the same outfit as last week doesn't feel too bad afterall :)

Anyway, I am hoping you all are having a great summer and having fun mixing up the outfits (or not!!).
Talk later xoxo Jodi


  1. It *has* been quiet around Blog Town! I was just thinking the same thing today. Everyone's likely busy with vacation and life. When it's 30 degrees plus super humid, I don't feel much like taking photos and showing off my shininess, so I can understand the corporate hiatus.

  2. What I find perks up my outfits is going to thrift stores where I don't feel guilty buying several new items for less than $15 total. Then, with those elements, I can create new outfits from variations on old ones.

    You're right about the quiet. I attribute it to the season. People are doing other things and too tired and hot to think about fashion.

  3. Sometimes stepping away for a time can reinvigorate. I agree with shybiker that thrifts can jump start the styling juices.

  4. I agree that it's been quiet and I think that part of it is because it's summertime. People are on vacation, or like Jo said, don't feel like showing off the shininess.

  5. Nothing's quiet in vintage blogland, but I think it's only natural to feel uninspired or just sick of it now and then. Nice shoes!

  6. around here it is just too darn hot to care what you wear lol
    i think people are busy with vacays and out of town guests etc.
    pluse in my opinion winter are clothes are much more fun to play with.
    hope you feel inspired soon

  7. I agree with Brett...I just do not want to dress fun in the heat!! Everything I have shopped for...even at the thrift store...has been for cooler weather..or the hope of cooler weather. I was going to take some outfit pictures in the backyard on Sunday and the heat put a quick stop on that...the indoor shots have not been good! What is good? Blue and khaki..I like your outfit!!

  8. If I had any sense, I'd be wearing a swimsuit and lying on the beach- enjoying every second of warm summer weather.
    Instead i'm holed up inside with a/c and a desk job.

    Totally loving those wedges - and i hope you find some new inspiration!

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. love the ruffles on your blouse and yes I totally agree that its been quiet in blog world lately. I have noticed that some bloggers have gone AWOL recently..maybe its just the nice weather.

  10. true, sometimes blogging can take a lot out of someone. it's summer and people are doing other things, but I love summer fashion!! It's so much more fun, colorful and daring than winter fashion which usually must be covered up with a coat! I am a summer girl all the way!

  11. This is so flattering on you! I love this top belted.

  12. Just jacked off to these pictuyres
