Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Ride Run

And we're off.  Off, meaning, FRIDAY OFF! YES!  I did a 3 hour ride followed by 30 min run and just got back. Now I have the whole rest of the day to myself. You wouldn't believe how good this FRIDAY DAY off agreement feels!! So my outfit is a ride run combo.  The idea is you jump off your bike and run immediately to train your legs to do this when you are racing.  I basically came home, racked my bike, changed out of my bike shorts bike shoes and off I went running.   In a real triathlon you wear one outfit for the whole race. You swim in it (with the wetsuit overtop), run out of the water, peel off the wetsuit, throw on your helmet, glasses, bike shoes and go.  Then when you come in, rack your bike, helmet off, change from bike shoes to run shoes and throw on a hat or visor.  The key is quick transitions between sports. My quickest times have been around 1.5 minutes for transition.  My upcoming 1/2 ironman race is in 2 weeks... ohhhh boy!!

Have a super awesome sunny happy day everyone!! and Happy Weekend!! xox Jodi


  1. Good luck with your Ironman. Sounds like fun (if a bit terrifying). Is the cat a training aid? :-)

  2. Wow, good luck with your training! I could never do that!

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Good luck with your training. My husband is doing is first 1/2 Ironman in July, so I know they take a lot of work.

  4. My first triathlon (in Ucluelet) is also in two weeks!

    Great post - you are my training hero, Jodi.

  5. Whoa! The real Jodi reveals herself!

    You are my hero. If I ever get in trouble, I dream you'll swoop down, sweep me up in your strong arms, and carry me to safety. It's nice to know you're out there...

  6. You look great in your exercise gear! You need a little super-hero cape! Will be wonderful to read how your triathalon goes.

  7. ironman? ok, that's awesome. you rock

  8. Hey Jodi - yes, my run is the Edge to Edge!! I wish I had time to swing by Victoria for a coffee date with you, but since my hubby and I are only taking a week (and we're driving) I won't have time :( If you're ever in Edmonton, though, you will have to ring me up!

  9. well will you just look at that?! oh my gosh girl, you are a vision of power and i've got rider envy at how awesome you look. one hot bod is what! oh man, i have a cousin who did an ironman, major props to you lades, that's brilliant. best of lucks! ♥

  10. Wow...you did all that...I would have died. lol. I look like i work out but dont at all. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog..i see we both love skirts! lol.

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  11. Amazing!! You look fabulous and you're doing the ironman?! Go Jodi, best of luck. xx veronika

  12. You look STUNNING my dear in your bike outfit, really..WOW WOW WOW! :) So happy for you and your off Friday! :)
    I am recently struggling to log in my km's during the week...thank goodness it's summer and I can do my early eeeeaaaarrrrlllyyyy runs! ;)

  13. Oh you look so fab and sexy in your running gear babe! Its inspiring to maybe do that army run! Hmmn..

    Btw, we were talking about you over burgers last night! Remember my friend Rodney? He may be flying to Vancouver/Victoria.. he said would love to see you!

    I miss you too!


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