Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Shopping- Jodi Unplugged

At the risk of scaring you all away, I am brave enough to post a JODI UNPLUGGED series!  I spent the morning cleaning the house. The kind of cleaning where I even moved the fridge to wipe down behind and underneath.  The kind of cleaning where I washed the bathroom walls and ceiling. The kind of cleaning where I emptied out all the drawers in my filing cabinet and got rid of old files.  Let me tell you. The house is SPOTLESS.  AND then I had to go out to get groceries for a potluck I am going to tonight. So, you get me with NO MAKEUP, DIRTY HAIR, NON-DESCRIPT CLOTHS, so you get a chance to see what I look like when I don't care what I look like.

And you do know, anytime you go out in public like this you are most certainly guaranteed to see someone you know. Well, yes indeed I did. Thank goodness from a distance. Which means I high tailed it out of the grocery store before they saw me (at least I hope!!). Scurry into the car and make my getaway!  So there you go.  A sighting. Like a Canadian Saskquatch.  Be quick and you will see it.

Happy Sunday Fav online buddies!! xoxo Jodi


  1. Even with the "un-made style" my husband would adore you!! Since our kids grew up, I am less and less interested in house cleaning and he would so love for me to be inspired by what you wrote and follow your lead...but, alas, it just leaves me a tiny bit jealous, but not inspired to move the fidge!!

  2. You're cute without fancy clothes, without makeup and without grooming. You're attractive just the way you are, Jodi. Thanks for showing us the real you.

  3. Even for not caring, you still are looking better than some (who I'm presuming) do care.
    And I need to do some of that kind of cleaning as well. We shall see if it happens.

    Chic on the Cheap

  4. Sounds like you got tons done. It never fails, I always see people when I look a mess.
    My Heart Blogged

  5. That bag is cool. Oh man, that reminds me that I need to clean my fridge also.

  6. You don't look that bad to me! if thats your worst then you got no worries!!

  7. Even so, you look much better than I do when cleaning (CLEANING like the one you did!) or grocery shopping...you look great, no worries to scare anyone away :)

    Have a great week!

  8. You still look great! Love the bag! I need to do some major spring cleaning. Gonna get rid of our couches. I just want bean bags. Not gonna happen, but how easy would that be? And, cheap!

    Come check out my A-to-Z!

  9. please explain this concept of 'cleaning' to me?

  10. I love your unplugged outfit....just proves we are are "normal"...lol:)

  11. You look great with a non-made-up face. Society puts so much pressure on us to always be "perfect". I know many fashion bloggers that report to never wearing sweats or leaving the house without make-up, but that standard is WAY to high for me. Now don't get me wrong, I like to gussy-up and wear make-up ect. but I'm certainly not above running to the grocery store or Target without the need to spend an hour getting ready. You look amazing in your photos girl!!!

  12. You look adorable in your "unplugged" state. No need to flee from acquaintences. IN fact you managed a really pretty necklace to boot.
    Yesterday morning I made a quick run to the market for eggs. When I was getting back into my car I caught a glimplse of my reflection and realized that I'd slept on wet hair. I was displaying every single cowlick on my head. Now That's the way slumming is done.

  13. You are a brave woman- although if I looked as good as you do in my unrefined state, I might not mind going out of the house like this, either :) As it stands, I can't remember the last time I was seen in public without make-up... And that's the way I want to keep it ;) It's always lovely to come across other BC bloggers. Lots of love from your newest follower!

  14. My house could use a good scrub down..wanna come over :)

  15. Unplugged or not, you're still gorgeous. I do love that you're skulking around behind the grocery store in these pictures.

  16. You look gorgeous...if I showed you me unplugged you would think you were watching SCREAM!
    Love the bag btw...so cute!

    Fashion in the Fog: Weekend Madness
