Friday, March 11, 2011

Friend Friday: Finding Balance

Come join Katy (ModlyChic) and the crew at Friend Friday.. its a great way to learn about and meet other bloggers!!
Finding Balance
1. When it comes to prioritizing your life, in what place does blogging fall? 
I work full time and I workout 1 to 2 times everyday as part of my triathlon training (morning swims and evening runs/rides). After all that is done then I eat and get to my blog.. so I would say #3 or 4?  EATING is essential so comes first :P

2. We all wish we had more free time to dedicate to blogging and all it entails. What are your tricks for taking advantage of the time you do have to be as productive as possible?
I have a good folder system to organize different blogs I like and comment on regularly.  I use google reader which  I think is pretty good.  Other than that I go through my daily comments and do my best to reply back to everyone who visited me as well as new followers (okay, well, maybe I am just a little bit behind... :)
3. Have you discovered any short-cuts that makes blogging easier or more time efficient?
I try to keep my posts short and somewhat funny so readers can actually read it as they scan.  I have organized my google reader bookmarks into categories and I try to visit everyone on the list as well as those who comment on my blog daily.  Ohhh I am looking forward to hearing everyones answer to this one!!
4. Do you have an editorial calendar or something similar that helps you plan ahead?
No calendar. No blogger plan. Maybe thats what's missing for me!! LOL I am not quite that organized other than I know that I dont have to take outfit photos regularly on Fridays thanks to Friend Friday (THANKS powers that be :).  I am going to add developing a plan to my task list now!!  Who else has one? Curious to find out more about this!!
5. If time wasn’t an issue what you would be doing on your blog/for your blog that you aren’t doing now?
I would visit people alot more and my blog would probably be more professional-  would have a .com name and better comment forms etc... I would take time to become a really good photographer, as that is one aspect of blogging that I am  really having one with!  But number 1 would be more visits to all my FAV GALS!! 
* Yes, this is my computer- taken this morning in fact :)

Love ya all, have a SUPER weekend!!! xoox Jodi



  1. Great answers! and thanks for visiting my blog!!

  2. Jodi, you do a great job with so little planning! But it looks like you have your priorities in line! I am always impressed with your photography!

  3. Love these answers. I'm also really into health and fitness these days, and I think your blog provides and amazing mix of personal style and wellbeing.

  4. I have a some what calendar, lol....it changes all the time, but I know my regular features and the dates they need to be completed by....I think you are doing AOK..love the little collage :)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Chic Metal Earring Giveaway!!♥

  5. A blogging calendar, can you imagine! Thanks for the peak into your blogging balance! :)

  6. I should start creating folders in google reader. I've never tried that.

  7. You seem to do great at scheduling your time efficiently! I am trying to become more organized...trying..

  8. You are a busy busy woman. I like that I can come to your blog see your photos, and laugh a little.
    My Heart Blogged

  9. Am I so out of the loop you are the 3rd blog I have seen with these questions, but I am loving all the honesty. Dude props to you for the triathlon. I'm blown away.

    Write it in Lipstick

  10. Wow, how do you work, blog AND train for a triathlon? I'm impressed. I really need to utilize google reader more. Thanks for the tip. Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

    Jessica @ wrinkled dollar

  11. Wow, you organize your google reader? That's impressive! I didn't even know you could do that.

    North Meets South

  12. I rarely use google reader, but may give it a try since it helps you so much. I can't believe how busy you are and you still manage to have a WONDERFUL blog! Keep up the good work!

    ps. Thank you for the lovely comment and definitely have a GREAT weekend! :)

  13. This was a great read! Lovely post :)


  14. I something similar with organizing my google reader. Keeping up with the comment is definitely time consuming, and at least this keeps it visible!

    Thanks for your comment, I actually filled out some of the Editor today and it's FABULOUS!!

    Nice to meet you!! :)
