Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blue Sweater in a hotel room

Not quite getting the hang of the hotel room photos.. my camera was wonky so the second photo is abit off with color!  Had a great meeting yesterday, a few experts from the UK and Oz so they were interesting.  Had  superb workout on the treadmill this morning-- ran 15km in good time and was all sweaty and fumes coming off me, flames out the back of my shoes.. hah hah.  Am meeting 'mother in law' for dinner tonight so that should be good.  She's  a really nice lady and is excited I am in town.

Fashion-wise, well, I have never much liked blue but apparently is a good color on me.  I flat ironed my hair, do you like it?  And the first photo is in the mirror so is the other side of me (the side I dont like)-- no, not like alter-ego side, I mean the right side.. LOL.. and I dont like the alter-ego side either though... you know, EVIL JODI... bwah hah hah

Off to my session for the day. Later Gaters.. will chat soon!! love ya and hi new followers!! xoxo Jodi


  1. Fabulous outfit and it fits you well. I'm not a fan of the hair, but don't go by me.

  2. LOL love your honesty shybiker... so great!! xoxo J

  3. Cute, cute sweater! I am wearing a look today inspired by your header...it will be posted later this morning! You always look fabulous...

  4. Wow blue and gray look so so good on you!! And love your hair like this xo

  5. Love the blue, looks great on you as does the outfit.
    I actually do like your hair.

  6. I love the straight hair, very chic.
    And even your "bad side" is beautiful :)

  7. The blue looks gorgeous on you. Sounds like you ran like a super hero. I hope you have a nice dinner with the 'mother in law'.
    My Heart Blogged

  8. You look funky fresh in this outfit girl..love the straight hair too:)


    Stop by and say Hello♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  9. This is a great outfit...much better blue sweater on you than the drapey one that the blog made you return :)

    And I like the hair. But then, I'm obsessed with having short hair right now.

  10. I think that blue looks great on you, and the straight hair is a cute change.

  11. Ooh I love the ruffles poking out of the sweater. Such a cute combination. And your hair looks fantastic!

  12. I absolutely love the hair! Fabulous outfit. The blue looks good on you. Have a great Tuesday!

  13. you look stunning in this! very nice!

  14. I like this hairstyle, but love the curls! Blue is a great color on you and the first picture ANTM all the way!! Great outfit!

  15. You might not like blue, it likes you!
    I never liked red and since the blog I have everyone telling me how great it is on me. LOL
    Love the ruffles over the cardi
    Hair looks great too

  16. Thanks everyone..have sneaked out of my conference to do some work.. urgh!! and of course have to pop in to visit the blog!! ox J

  17. the sweater just looks great with the ruffles on the dress...now you've got me wondering if I have a good side or not.

  18. You look great. I love the blue but I really really love the hair. I thought you might have had it cut until I read your post. I think it really suits you.

  19. OMG you straightened your hair! I LOVE It!!!!!!

  20. I agree with (almost) everyone else... Love the hair, and this blue suits you!
    Also love the image of flames and fumes on the treadmill, so apt!
    And personally, I really like the light in the second picture, it looks dreamy.

  21. Amazing. I'm just going to assume there is not a color you don't look wonderful in. Lucky lady.

  22. You look good in blue and you already know I love your hair.

  23. It's amazing how different you look with straightened hair, and yet you still look hawt! hawt! hawt!
    The House in the Clouds

  24. Love the ruffles peaking out of the cardigan!
    Blue suits you!
    Nice take on the argyle tights...

  25. Love the color!! Thanks for commenting on my blog - tall people unite! Haha!
    xo Emily
