Friday, February 25, 2011

Friend Friday: Blogger Awards

And here we go again.. another week down and another  Friend Friday, brainchild of Katy and ModlyChic.. come join us, its a great way to get to know your fellow (ess) bloggers!!

And again, I incorporate my Daily Outfit (30 for 30) in this post -- voila Remix 24!!

Blogger Awards
This week I make mention of those under each of the following category (and there are many many more that I would mention if I wasn't only picking one!!)
1. Creative Juices - most creative 
Emma at dailyclothesfix

2. The Real Deal - authenticity 

Colette at Statements in Fashion, hands down. I have a crush on that babe alright!!

3. Spark Notes - most helpful 

Jentine at My edit

4. Newbie - best blogger less than a year old 

Fabienne at thehouseintheclouds

5. Can You Hear Me Now - most connected 

Marilou at 20 York Street

6. If I had a Hammer - best DIY 

Natasha at Required2beinspired

7. Tribe Leader - blogger who leads others and brings bloggers together 

Katy of ModlyChic

8. Practically Perfect - most fashionable 

Amber at Amber  Blue Bird

9. Paint by Numbers - best beauty blogger 

Angela at EveryoneLovesLipstick

10. Renaissance Woman - best all around blogger, fashion, beauty,

Sal at  Already Pretty

11.  And adding my own category herebest photographer
Lyddie at Chic on Cheap


  1. Thanks for the nomination Jodi....I have a crush on you as well, lmao..and guess what? I nominated YOU on my blog....go take a peeksie:)

    Happy Friday doll!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Fab ModCloth Giveaway!!♥

  2. Good choices. I'm familiar with most of 'em. Your outfit today looks nice: the combination of patterns and textures is sophisticated and very attractive. Good work, buddy!

  3. Great Friend Friday Post and I am in love with coat looks so cute on you. :)

  4. I like this topic, because it is giving me new blogs to read.

  5. thank you for the nomination sweets! You are too kind :)

  6. Thank you so much for the nomination. I'm in such great company. Hope you're having a great week - I'm totally ready for the weekend.

  7. Thank you so much for the nomination!! From what I can see all lovely ladies!!

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  8. I adore this look. What a great scarf and a great coat.


  9. Congratulations!!!!! Well deserved!
