Monday, November 29, 2010

Remix 22: The Gorge

Day 22.  I did wear the 30 for 30 clothes yesterday (Day 21) I promise!!  I didn't post because  I was at a Celebration of Life on Sunday that was really sad and really inspiring at the same time.  Joanne, who we were all there to honor, was truly an example of unconditional love and acceptance and was full of nothing but possibility.  Today I wear my pink scarf in memory of Joanne since she always commented on anything pink I would wear.

I want to take a moment to wave and say HI to my friend HOLLI B. who I ran into on the ferry yesterday and she said she loved reading my blog!! How cool is that, especially since I didn't even know she knew about it.  Thanks Holli, your words of encouragement were awesome!! :)

Remix Items: Grey long sweatery/dress?, black stretchy boots (the ones like socks with heels!)

I might have to lay off  or even fire someone on my staff.  It's been really really stressful.  I love her as a person, but its just not working out.  This is the part of my job I really do not like.  It's times like this I wish I was a well known independent fashion blogger making immense amounts of money blogging about my outfits!! :)  No visits tonight ladies... I have a session to go to.. I MISS YOU and will catch you on Tuesday.. promise :) hugs xoxo J

How did everyone do with their outfits today?? Do tell!!!


  1. I always appreciate the loveliness of your photos! The color of that scarf is fabulous btw :)

  2. That dress is gorgeous. Is it as comfortable as it looks?

    I think it would be really hard to manage a staff.

  3. I love that dress...I loved it as a carfi..and I love it like this! What a great piece!

    Make sure you enter my belt giveaway!

  4. Helllooo sexy!! WHy do you look fabulous this evening Miss Thing:) Great color on you....the scarf is gravy babay!!
    How cool you met a reader!! wow, thats so awesome....so sorry you had a sad day, Ive had a few of those myself:(
    I know how you feel about work, Ive found myself in that boat too...and it suxx:( See ya soon love:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  5. You look gorgeous love this look!


  6. Wonderful sweater-dress thingy!

    I'm sorry you have to let someone go. That's always the worst part of being a manager, isn't it? Hopefully you can convey to them that it's not personal, but that it's a business decision. Good luck!

  7. That looks like such a comfy dress, and I love the color of the scarf! And that is super awesome that you met a reader

  8. Great outfit again! Oh to be tall and thin :oD I love how you place your jewelry in different places for solo shots. Who'd a thunk moss can be such a pretty backdrop?

    I actually liked my outfit today but I really need a digital camera. My phone camera is not cutting it. Maybe it's the subject. Haha.

  9. Great color-combination. And I like the tights.

  10. Are you tired of the 30/30 challenge yet? I wouldn't even try something like that. What can I say, I am a man with a closet full of clothes?

    As for your employee, the best things that have ever happened to me (besides my wife & children) have resulted from being laid off or even when I was on the verge of being fired. Things work out for people if they want them to.

  11. Hi everyone.. YES this dress/sweater is so soft and comfy.. maybe I could use it as a housecoat!! lol....

  12. your scarf adds such a nice punch to this outfit. I wish I had some advice for firing/laying someone off but I dont, just get it do quick I supposed like pulling off a band aid

  13. I am loving that belt and the pop of the purpley color is great with the gray.

  14. Sassy! I love this outfit...so simple and so great! That scarf is perfect!
