Thursday, November 18, 2010

Remix 11: Stripes, Dots and SNOW

Day 11.  All I can say is Holy Be-Jesus (sorry for swearing :)... It's snowing like crazy out there and I am thanking the hotel gods that I don't have to go outside (at least for now). Whoa snow or what!!!  The guy I sat with on the flight here was right, he looked at my jacket and said " Honey, that ain't gonna cut it".  I just smacked his arm and said, "well you'd better give me your number so I can call you and borrow a jacket from your wife".  Okay, so did you read my post from yesterday?  Marilou tagged me to post 7 secrets about myself.  I am going to add a bonus #8 secret right here:  I am hiding in my room so I don't have to sit in that boring conference session this morning! There, its out. Jodi is a bad a$$.  Free trip to Saskatoon, yes, that's all I wanted, and then I hide out and fashion blog instead of listening to all the experts done there yabbering on... ohhh sooo bad.  Now, on to the outfit:

Remix Items: Black turtle neck, polka dot skirt, black boots (yes, more black black and black :).
A slight pop of color. And I don't know what I was thinking, obviously I wasn't because I forgot my jewelry at home.  All of it except a chance bracelet that was in my toiletries bag.  So, plain today, but I guess I am kinda plain anyway.  Hotel room pictures compliments of moi, I actually like this outfit, good for a conference.  Or should I say, good for hiding out blogging .  Get ready ladies.. I am on my way over to visit!!  xoxo j

And by the way, I risked my life opening the window to get this snow shot just for you.. I almost blew away with the blast of cold snow that attacked me...


  1. Too Funny! You are Bad A$$! Ha Ha Ha

    Love Love Love the colored tights. really... I think I need to get me a pair this weekend!

    And to be perfectly honest - Im a little envious of your snowfall.... I hope this weekend we get our snow like the weather guy promised!!!

    Yours Truly


  2. That looks way too cold for my blood.
    I love all your black and white skirts :)

  3. yikes for snow...It is supposed to be snowing on Saturday in here and I am in complete denial ...If I think very hard about palm trees, sunscreen and margaritas, do you think it's not gonna happen ?

    On the outfit : I love those "wine" tights...

    Caro xxx

  4. We got about 30 seconds of snow this afternoon and now it's all sunshine. Though my fiance would prefer to have the Saskatoon weather! (He works in the automotive industry and loves tire season!)

    Your outfit is fantastic, even for just hiding out! I love the coloured tights!

  5. I am loving all the coloured tights!!

  6. I'm loving that pop of color! The snow looks awful (but fun!) out there! Keep warm!

  7. Am loving that skirt and the pop of color with your leggings. It is suppose to snow here on Saturday...Winter is herrrre!!!

  8. Snow is great as long as you don't have to travel in it. Your outfit looks great again today as well. Come visit my blog and give me your opinion on leather in the workplace. http://idontwearjeans.blogspot.com/

  9. ACK! Don't say the "S" word! I'm not ready for snow yet! But thank you for risking your life for the great pic!And your poses with random hotel stuff is freaking awesome! You made my afternoon :D

  10. Your post always make me smile J! Okay, please let it be on record that everytime I am in a conference, I don't have my iPhone underneath the table so I can blog, tweet or text!



    Come say Bonjour at:


  11. Great outfit - I love the proportions of the whole look, and the pop of colour from the tights. And the skirt is adorable!

  12. Lovely outfit- really like how the coloured tights makes the outfit pop! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I really like to finding other Canadian bloggers too! So what aspect about your work is bringing you to NB in the spring? I actually haven't been to your end of the country quite yet...but it's on my list! :)


  13. The look I'm doing this weekend consist of black and white with burgundy tights. Now I know it will work, thanks for the extra push. Great Remix!

  14. That skirt is super awesome! I love garments that are both sexy and funkified!

  15. Great outfit! I love the subtleness of the black and white pieces and the elegant pop of the legs.

  16. Jodi! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm glad that you stumbled upon mine because now I am stumbling on yours! I love the backgrounds in all of your photos. I'm impressed! And I totally connect with you and your colored tights! I think I have some of the same colors as you do in some of your posts. I really like your style and I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
