Sunday, October 10, 2010

Letters to my Body

Common among women and men is body issues. And one thing that I've noticed in particular in athletes is how common eating disorders are (anorexia and bulimia) due to pressures to be leaner and faster.

I recently saw this resource called Letters to my Body on another blog and thought I would share it with you as a way to also stimulate some discussion.  While I personally haven't had an eating disorder, I have always been self conscious about my body.  I am almost 5'10 and have always been alot taller and bigger than my friends.  I remember going to my best friends house for dinner when I was younger and her mom would always scoop more food on my plate and jokingly say "Eat up Hoss"  (from the show Bonanza).  I always felt BIG. I always thought maybe people would like me more if I was small and cute, like my friends.  So instead, as a way to fit in, I became very athletic and strong.  I could play sports and keep up with the guys.  That was my way of making the best of it and it was easy since I was an only girl among brothers.

Over the years I gained freedom around my body, my sense of self and how I dressed.  I began to play around wearing more fun clothes, heels, jewelry and color!!  I have even been able to make a difference for others through sharing with them about how I have transformed this area of my life and coaching them and encouraging them in many different ways through the leadership program I lead.  Check out Letters to my Body and see what you think.  While I have not read through the whole thing, it looks like some good food for thought.


  1. GREAT post Jodi...my daughter is pretty much in the same boat....nice to hear how you made it a positive thing in your life:)

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  2. You are gorgeous! I am so lucky that I had such a great family that constantly instilled in me what a gift it was to be tall. I did go through an awkward period in high school but luckily was confident (arrogant) enough to realize that the world's standard of the best looking people are models...and they come no shorter than you and me :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog again - I recently subscribed to bloglovin; are you on there? I haven't been to my googlereader in a while so it was nice to revisit your page!
