Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fashion 101 Tutorials from Academic

Happy Sunday from San Francisco!
If you happen to have some internet surfing time this weekend, here's a really good resource from Academichic.  Its a Fashion Tutorial with 15 different segments.

Also, if you have any clothing in your closet that you don't wear, but would like to- perhaps you just need some ideas for what you could wear it with, you have to get Collette from Statements in Fashion to do a revamp for you.  If you send her some pictures she will put together some outfit ideas for you.  She has awesome ideas and especially rocks the jewelry!!


  1. Very much looking forward to what you might buy while in my favorite city in the United States of america...hee hee..xo

  2. Thank you so mu ch Jodi for mentioning RESTYLE here:) Super nice of you......and....Im waiting for your pics, lol:)

    PS..I havent forgotten the blogger award...Ive been superdeedooper busy!! I will do it soon, promise:)

    Statements in Fashion
