Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Daily Outfit: Throwing Rocks at Birds

Oh you caught me. I was throwing rocks at birds this morning on the beach... Hah hah, well, not really.  I live close to the beach but don't go down there for photo shoots cuz it's always crawling with people.  Good visual isn't it. Can't you just imagine people crawling all over the beach?  Why do people say that anyway?
Local ladies- you would have seen this outfit the other night at our seminar.  Yes, I am wearing this 2 x in 1 week. If you think that's gross, well, I am saving water!
This is one of my favorite outfits for several reasons:
1.  I love black
2.  While I am wearing a sweater (even after saying yesterday I don't like sweaters.. oh what a hypocrit) this one is fitted.
3.  I LOVE this scarf.  And please, anyone that knows where I can get tights with this print you have to tell me NOW :)
4.  I could live in these boots.  I bought them 2 years ago in San Francisco and they feel like a glove.  Me thinks I need different socky-things with them cuz the ones I am wearing look like gramma compression socks.
4.  I LOVE Turquoise.  I have a necklace to match this and want more and more turquoise!!

Hi to new followers!! This is SO exciting.  I have been keeping this blog somewhat secret.  I have been being stingy and not sharing about it with people that I know really well.  I have been feeling shy about them maybe thinking I am self absorbed by photographing myself (I know, its probably crazy).  Anyway, so I am really happy to meet new other bloggers and friends. And I promise to tell my friends about this.

Did any of you you feel shy/embarrased/? about sharing your blog with people when you first started it? 


  1. Hehe I love that you took your boot off to photograph it, it makes for a really fun visual in my head! I think if you wanted to get different socks, a dark purple or green would look terrific with many different things.

    About being shy with blogs, most of my followers are my friends, so when I get new ones (like you Jodi :) ), I am overjoyed! I think it is so exciting to see new people and learn about them through their blogs too.

  2. Hi Lady!! Wow, you look great in those boots!! love the socks peeking out too:)

    The scarf is fabulous...and I may even see a smile??

    Statements in Fashion Blog

  3. You make me laugh. "If you think that's gross...?" LOL. I wore the same thing twice this week already and it's only Wed. I think it's okay. This is one of my favorite outfits EVER1. I'm hoping you'll wear it again soon!

  4. That scarf is amazing! Really beautiful. It adds punch to any outfit.

    As you might guess from my name, I'm shy too. And telling people about my fashion-blog has a whole, deeper dimension than you face: it means disclosing an aspect of myself that's potentially difficult for some people to accept. I'm eager to share the news with people, but I recognize not everyone can handle it. For that reason, I'm have to be careful.

  5. great pics, lady!

    i DEFINITELY felt shy about sharing my blog--in fact, it wasn't very well-received with my friends who don't understand the whole "blogging" world. some gave me guff and other talked about me because i was posting pictures of myself. well, whatever, i enjoy it and i say, if you enjoy it, then keep doing what your doing!

    xx anna jane

  6. I love that scarf! Love that outfit.

    As for the shy thing YES haha only my boyfriend and one close friend know about mine, the idea of everyone else knowing is a little argghhh :P yours is amazing though :) I'm sure they'd be impressed xx

  7. Hahahaha I can totally relate to that. In fact the whole world knows about my blog except my family and close friend. I feel so shy and self conscious about telling any one other than my bf about photographing myself but it's funny how I don;t feel the least bit shy to share the photos with you ladies. :)

    Love from Toronto, Canada

    P.S: The dress is from an online boutique called Alloy.com based in the US. :)

  8. Yeah, thanks ladies.. so I am not alone.. funny, I have alot more freedom talking to people I don't really know than some of the people that are really close to me.. and this is an opportunity to look at what it is I am scared of. Being judged. Funny cuz the Leadership Course I lead is all about being free of worrying what other people think.. hah hah thanks for all your comments, nice to know I'm not alone!!

  9. dang this outfit is fierce! I love the pop of turquoise you through into the mix. I think that H&M had some tights that might match your scarf :)

    I actually started out with only friends in real life knowing about my blog, then I made friends with a bunch of knitters and crafters online, and then my blog changed to fashion... I felt a little funny having my IRL friends see my blog when it went to fashion (esp when I posted my size stats for clothing review references, lol), but I'm getting over it :)

  10. beautiful necklace and i love that shot too..with it on the rocks


    follow if u like what u see?


  11. i love turquoise too!eau that scarf is beautiful--it's a great outfit! xx

  12. i actually did feel really shy about sharing my blog for a while also. i didn't really leave my link back on any blogs i followed (i signed in as a guest commenter) because i just wrote it for myself. Once I finally randomly had three followers though, that agreed with me on things i wrote about, enjoyed my style and babbling, i knew that it was time to expand a little. of course, blogs are always kind of works in progress but i'm really proud of mine now (after over a year of timidness) & I'm so glad you are sharing your blog!
