Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog Award: Thank You!!

Well, this is totally cool.  I just got a "Blog with Substance" Award from Rita over at The Adventures of Cinderita.  How exciting, even though I don't have many followers showing on my blog list, there are actually quite a few people who come over to visit me here.  Rita has been one of my biggest fans and friends since the beginning so Thank- You Cinderita!!!

I am passing this award on a variety of people who inspire me- either I borrow outfit ideas from them, I learn  tips and tricks, I am just wow'd by their style or I laugh like crazy when I read their blogs.  The idea is to pass this along to those who inspire you (like pay it forward).  Drum roll please....

Angie at YouLookFab
Amazing tips and resources. This was the first fashion blog I began reading and have learned so much from Angie!

Sal is so generous and always has great posts with thought-provoking questions and comments, not to mention tips, tricks and outfit ideas.

Kendi Lea at Kendi Everyday
I copy Kendi's outfits alot (or at least try to).  And man she makes me laugh!!!

This was also one of my first fashion blog finds and  I am hooked. Kasmira always has creative and funky ideas, GREAT color and pattern mixer!!

My fashion friend from the UK. Emma has great photo shoots and outfits. Me wanna visit there!!

Gorgeous and Amazing style!! Wish I was so elegant.

Londyn at Blogfashion
Friends with Kasmira, Londyn's blog was also one of the first ones I stumbled upon and have gotten some great ideas from her.

I just saw Marisa's blog recently and boy I was inspired. She is making a dress a day. She takes old clothing and makes new outfits out of ie. tent dresses and moo-moos. She is ultra creative!!!


  1. Ooh, thank you. That's so cool. I am honoured to be in such good company. And you're welcome to visit anytime.

  2. Congratulations! And you're welcome!

  3. Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. Welcome to the blogging community!

  4. Thank you Jodi!! How cool.....glad you like my blog dollie!!!

  5. Congratulations on the blog award - and that's awesome about ironman, i hope you it!


  6. From one fashionista to another - thanks!! Love that you visit and enjoy the fashion blogging world :)
