Saturday, January 30, 2016

Friday Cowl

Friday was that kind of day. I just wanted to stay home, cuddle with the cat and eat cookies all day.  So what did I actually do? Got my sorry a$$ out of bed, got somewhat presentable and went into the office. And ate some cookies :)  It was a long week with some challenges regarding some of the projects we are working on so I was glad to see Friday finally roll around actually.

I pulled out the ankle booties since I rarely wear them.I prefer knee highs but these are easy to slip on and actually very comfy.

Not much else to say other than I hope you all have a super weekend.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

More Snakeskin Please

As you know I love animal prints. I love animals too. Sometimes I feel bad wearing something that looks like an animal.  Snakes aren't all that cuddly and sweet though so I don't really mind wearing snakeskin.  Crazy hair though. So glad my hairdresser, or as some say "my stylist"  is available to fix me up and make me presentable. Don't know about you but it sure feels like I need to go more and more often and need more work. Like an old car. A heritage house, something like that.

Self disclosure here. I'm working from home for the rest of the day and am listening to Journey's Greatest Hits.  Yes, I like them for some reason. My babysitter used to listen to them so it takes me back. Quite awhile.

Hope you are having a super day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

TV Static Top

 Does this top look like TV static to you?  The hubs thinks so!  I've been playing around with some DIY lighting techniques so my photos are brighter so will be posting some experiments as I go.  Not much to report other than its crazy busy at work since 2 team members are on maternity leave at the same time. Crazy that!  And my trail race is coming up so I've been busy training and doing alot of strength training (squats, lunges, core work).  The legs of my pants are getting abit tighter in the upper leg and I'm hoping thats a result of bigger muscles not all the chocolate I've been eating ( did I tell you that we have gotten into making our own chocolate straight from the bean?).  Its time consuming but worth it. Well, in some ways.  Its bad in that we now have a HUGE stockpile of handcrafted dark chocolate all around the house. One. Must.Taste. Daily.

Hope all is well with each of you out in internet land.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Colorful Black

One of my favorite tops. And of course, boots, another fav.  An easy outfit for riding a bike and keeping comfy.  Nuff said. Hope you all had a super day!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tweed and Blue

You've heard this rant before. Me and pants just don't get along. How annoying.  I am plagued with never finding pants that fit me properly.  I don't mind this length since I can wear with boots and don't have to worry about the length too much.

It's been FREEZING here lately so its been abit tricky finding the right outfit that I can also commute by bike with.  I just want to be bundled up in wool socks and about 4 layers of sweaters. Then I look like the Michelin Man :(   Oh well. Sometimes fashion has to take a backseat.

Can't wait for this weekend. I'm heading off to an island for the weekend with 2 of my running friends and we have 2 full days of trail running planned. We're all training for some big ultra running races coming up so have to get alot of hard training in so we are well prepared.  Will share photos next week.

Have a super day!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Back to Work--The New Year

Happy New Year everyone!  Its amazing that it's already the new year. 2015 seemed to fly by so fast.
I hope everyone had a super holiday season.

Quick recap of what we've been up to...We did another 50km trail race in December that was fun (and challenging)- was very very windy and rainy so made it a long cold grueling yet fun day out there:)

As soon as I crossed the finish line one of my friends handed me a small bottle of fireball and said " HERE, TAKE A SWIG". Num Num it did the job!

The holiday season was fun. We went to the Interior of BC where there was lots of snow and did tons of cross country skiing and long snowy walks.  Lots of relaxing, reading, movies and eating as well!!

Now we're busy training for the next trail race coming up in February.  As you can tell I'm LOVING trail running and exploring new mountain ranges, new places around BC and down in the US. Must admit, I'm buying more nice running gear these days than worried about my day to day fashion and making due with all the clothes I already have.