Monday, July 27, 2015
Coral and Crazy Skirt
Happy Monday. Looks like some gremlins got into my camera on the weekend-- After downloading these I see the ISO is cranked WAY up by mistake so you get scratchy vintagey looking photos today.
The blogger meetup was this weekend which was awesome but I'm going to write a proper post about this specifically. Right now we have to quickly clean the house and get everything organized for some company thats coming. This skirt drives me nuts every time I wear it because its so narrow at the bottom. I have to walk up the stairs sideways Stoopid design. I feel sorry for the ladies who had to wear these all the time in the older days.
Hope you had a super weekend lovelies!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Try Stripes Again
I need to quit trying. I have been so determined to make stripes work on me and they just DON'T. Darn it anyway. Well, I did find that one top I posted here that I think worked.
I'm going to try this top tucked into a black pencil skirt and see if that works. If not it goes into the give away bag. I'm just getting annoyed about this stripes battle! And wow, amazing how different clothes have the ability to make you look HUGE vs Svelt. Sigh. Not a happy camper today.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Spanish Dancer
Do you ever look at your photos sometimes and ask yourself "what was I doing?" That's what I thought when I took this one. I wasn't actually trying to pose like this, I think I clicked the shutter delay by accident or something. That said, it's the best of the photos so you only get this one. I hardly every wear this skirt and was feeling so hot and uncomfortable I just wanted something flowy and light. For some reason I felt abit like a dancer or something.. like on Dirty Dancing.. heh heh
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
That Skirt
I've altered this skirt like 3 times now. Hemmed it. Narrowed the sides of it. Taken in the waist. I think it even started as a skirt for someone petite which I am clearly NOT. Anyway, its another of those skirts that I can only really wear when I drive to work or a meeting because its abit hard to ride my bike with it on. Today I had some meetings with some of our partner agencies so I broke out the pencil skirt. It kindof reminds me of old retro patterns.
I always find it quite fascinating seeing myself objectively through these photos. What about you? What's it like for you when you review photos of yourself? What are your reactions and thoughts?
Monday, July 13, 2015
Pencil Houndstooth
I was able to squeeze into this skirt today and wore it since I was using the car to go to a conference where I was delivering a presentation. Suck it in I said to myself. Sigh. The downside of NOT training for an ironman :(
What you can't see is that there was fine white cat hair all over this top. I always swore I wouldn't be one of those people who had pet hair all over their clothes. Not so with 2 white cats and someone who wears black alot. I now own a nice variety of lint brushes and have one at home, in the car, in my laptop bag and in the top drawer of my desk at work. Wish they made them in leopard pattern. Would be much more fun than just red velvet.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Golf Shorts?
Me in shorts again. Next to impossible to find pants at at let alone summer pants. I love shorts and skirts so this is my attempt to dress up these weird golf looking shorts. I'm so excited- I get to go running on one of my favorite trails this weekend with a friend. I can't wait! 2 more sleeps. I'm in love with trail running!!
Hope you're having a great week.