Sunday, December 7, 2014

Black and Blue

Aloha!! I was away in Hawaii for a few weeks so hence the lack in posting. Then I go and post wearing the same darn top I had on  in the previous blog entry. Is that uncool or what?  Hah hah. And as you can see my kitties also like my animal print shoes.  They are girls thats why!

I hope you've all been well.  It was so nice having some time in the sun relaxing and I do have to confess we did a lot of running and swimming too so all around great vacation!

Talk to ya this week.  Over n out.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Tweed Capri's

 My fav tweed capri's that I love wearing with boots.  I've had these brown boots for almost 5 years and just got them re-soled and they are just like new!   Cold weather has finally hit and its not so easy to get photos outside right now.  Not much to report other than I'm going for a long trail run this weekend that will be awesome. Its SO fantastic getting out into the mountains and running in the big cedar forests on the West Coast.  BEAUTIFUL.

I hope you all have a super weekend!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

HIppie Skirt

This skirt was crazy today. It was really windy out so when I rode my bike to work and home it flew up into the air and I looked like a crazy lady riding around in my underwear. How fun!! hah hah.
4 day countdown to haircut day.  CAN'T WAIT!!

Is there anything you are looking forward to this week/weekend?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Train Tracks

This is a typical example of an outfit I put on without trying first and felt great all day. THEN I saw the photos I took and realized this would have been much better either a) tucked in and with slingback shoes or  2) untucked and with tall leather boots.   I do love the color of this top especially- I may look to buy more blue in the future.

I was going out in the evening so I tried the boots option and it looked pretty good- cognac colored boots, knee-high.

It just started pouring rain as I was packing up my camera so I quickly packed up and ran away.

Hope you had a super day.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Black Leather Skirt

I got sassy and wore one of my leather skirts to work. AND with bare legs- I'm still squeezing out the days that I can wear bare legs.  I actually got quite a few compliments on this outfit so guess it worked out okay.  I felt official yet stylish, sassy yet smart.

I'm also trying to get more outdoor photos again.  It's hard to find discrete places and unless I have my car at work its a bit of a challenge these days.   Other musings.. well, time for a hair cut and I'm super excited because my awesome hair dresser is finally back from maternity leave.  She's so awesome and I can't wait to catch up with her soon and hear all about her new life as a mom.

How long have you been seeing your hairdresser? Do you have a great relationship with him/her?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

That Leopard Skirt

I noticed that I have the habit of calling anything even remotely Leopard, "Leopard".  Looking at this skirt its clearly not leopard yet I call it that.  Guess I should just call it my animal skirt.

Had to do a quick presentation to the youth group that we host at work and so I thought I'd wear something abit more fun than slacks and turtle neck :)  They all just stared at me with blank faces anyway so I dont think my outfit mattered anyhow... :(   maybe I just have to face the fact that I'm getting old.  hmmm no, I don't like THAT idea.

Off to create an outfit for a party we're going to tonight.  Maybe will get photos if lucky.

Happy Weekend.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Work from home= Casual

I work from home occasionally and so this is what I wore when I went out for a wander during my lunchbreak.  I live close to the ocean and I love taking photos down there however there are usually so many people milling about I am too shy to do so.  Today I had a moment when it was raining lightly and no one was around.  I love poncho's as well and have since I was in Grade 2.  I had a big poncho collection of all kinds of great colors and patterns.

I've managed to break yet ANOTHER remote control too.  Do you have problems with remote controls for your camera???

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


After my rant about not liking cardigans I go and buy this sweater. Go Figure!! This actually reminds me of a style I wore back in the 90's- the long sweater and matching leggings (mine assemble was hot pink) AND I had BIG hair and BIG earrings to match.  A bit of the Madonna carry over I guess :(

I actually like this sweater and thought it looked quite clean and classic. Gotta wear it quick to important meetings before it gets covered in white cat hair!

My stance in the last photo looks like I just came from riding a horse.  BOW LEGS.. hah hah how NOT to pose :)

What fashion items do you still wear that are carry overs from past era's?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall Shorts

I wore this on Friday. It's ALMOST getting abit cold for shorts now. I will hold out til the very last drop.  Getting my favorite boots all re-soled/re-heeled in preparation for boot season. WHOOOPEEE.

Am trying to cut down on the clothing I have and plan on only shopping for basics this season. Remind me I said this will you ?? hah hah.  And see that picture on the wall behind me? Its one of my favorites. Its a giant cat in venice.  You can see the buildings in the background and they're really small. Almost like Cat-zilla.  Yes. I am a cat lover. Will likely end up a crazy cat lady.  Thats okay by me.

Happy Weekend everyone!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What NOT to Wear Day

I started my day dressed like this and I was in a good mood until I got  dressed. Then I began to feel frumpier and frumpier by the minute.  Funny how clothing can enhance how you feel (or maybe thats just psychological?).  Anyway, I have never really liked wearing cardigans and even though I love the color of this one I feel not quite right when wearing it.  AND, while I love the idea of this skirt, I've never felt Fan-Frickin-Tastic in it either.  So.  I am thinking I might have to add these items to the give away box along with that blue and white striped sailor t-shirt I wore on here awhile back.

Upstairs I went and got changed.  This is what I came back with and felt MUCH better.

These pants are much better however they do remind me of the kind of pants police officers or security guards wear.  Good and durable for fighting, running, kicking doors down, etc. Never know when I might have to do that at the office:)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

All Beige

I was told to "never wear beige". Well. I'm wearing it. I'm also wearing a monotone outfit. I've never really done this other than with black.  What do you think?

Do you ever wear monotone outfits in a color other than black (yes, in my books black IS a color :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Black and Blue

Isn't that just a fashion faux pas! The last post I did I was wearing the SAME PANTS. URGH. Well, the point is, its getting abit cold and time for covered legs.  I will break out the boots soon.  Am trying to be patient.  I basically try to wear bare legs as long as possible and then go from that to boots.  As you know, I have a boot fetish.  I'm also playing with new locations in the house to take my photos as it will soon be getting rainy outside.

If you take your photos inside, what room do you take most of your outfit photos in?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Black Linen Pants

 Black outfit. White cats. You can guess how I looked by the time I left for work. YES> White and fuzzy :)  These pants are nice and flowing. They're linen and very comfy.   I always love wearing all black as well.  I used to wear it all the time then switched to wearing more color. I'm feeling a black attack coming on again- especially as I explore new wardrobe/style ideas.

What was the BEST part of your day today?  For me it was going for a run in the rain after work. Was awesome. I got soaked but felt fantastic!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Shorts and Blue Blouse

I really must work on that dazzling smile :)

I wear shorts as long as possible into the season. I love having bare legs and its so much easier for cycle commuting.  I live close to work and also have many meetings in the downtown area.  Riding my bike is much faster than walking. The challenge with this is wearing clothes that allow me to comfortably ride my bike and hairstyles that are easy and don't get messed up much with the helmet.

Do you cycle commute in your work clothes (rather than having to change into them at work)?  If so, what tricks and tips have you found to be useful?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Skinny Black Pants

Hello fashionistas around the world.  Triathlon and ultra running season is over and I'm researching new wardrobe ideas.  With my work I'm now required to do more presentations and be at more networking events, etc.  I'm wanting to make my wardrobe more professional looking without losing creative flare.  I've actually been exploring Euro-fashion ideas, lots of very chic basics that are versatile and stay in fashion for a long time.

I'm going to go through my closet this weekend and get rid of the shoes I rarely/never wear, the clothes I hang on to but never wear, the cheap looking stuff, the stuff that isn't breathable, the stuff that doesn't fit well or isn't flattering.

I'll also make a pile of all the stuff that needs hemming, to be tailored, resoled, etc.  Sounds like a big job actually! OH what did I get myself into?

Anyway, do you have any new fashion-related projects on the go or on your mind?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back from Racing!

Well Hello!! Its certainly been awhile!  I'm finally back from traveling around to all my various triathlon and ultra distance running races this last month and a bit. Its now officially  OFF SEASON. Which really means I do the same exercise but for fun rather than ' have to ' ha ha.

SO now that sports are not the complete number 1 focus I can shake up my wardrobe abit again. Currently looking at some kind of style change- more professional wear for work without losing a personal creative style.  Not sure what that will look like but will be doing some visits to your sites to get more ideas.

Hope you have all been well and enjoyed August!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bobby Pins- The Basics

Photo credit: http://www.shefinds.com/2013/youre-doing-it-wrong-bobby-pins/

Through my recent searches on new ways to wear medium length hair I came to realize that all along I have been using my bobby pins the  wrong way. Well. Who would have thought?  I even mentioned it to my mom who wore French Rolls all through the era and even she didn't know this.   One blog in particular that I love for hair ideas is  The Small Things Blog.  Kate over there is awesome and has really great tutorials.

SO here's what I have discovered about bobby pins:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pink and Red

 I remember my mom seeing a lady downtown dressed in Pink and Red and she said "I can't believe she's wearing pink and red together".  I actually thought it looked pretty good but still carried this impression that somehow you just WEREN'T supposed to do that! Well. Then I go into a store and see a pattern that is made up of exactly those colors mixed.  Anyway...

So I like to wear skirts and pants with higher waistlines because I am broad in the hips and this helps to draw attention to my waist versus my hips.  In light of Shybiker's recent post on dressing for your body type I was wondering what tricks do YOU use to emphasize or minimize the shape of your body?