Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bobby Pins- The Basics

Photo credit: http://www.shefinds.com/2013/youre-doing-it-wrong-bobby-pins/

Through my recent searches on new ways to wear medium length hair I came to realize that all along I have been using my bobby pins the  wrong way. Well. Who would have thought?  I even mentioned it to my mom who wore French Rolls all through the era and even she didn't know this.   One blog in particular that I love for hair ideas is  The Small Things Blog.  Kate over there is awesome and has really great tutorials.

SO here's what I have discovered about bobby pins:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pink and Red

 I remember my mom seeing a lady downtown dressed in Pink and Red and she said "I can't believe she's wearing pink and red together".  I actually thought it looked pretty good but still carried this impression that somehow you just WEREN'T supposed to do that! Well. Then I go into a store and see a pattern that is made up of exactly those colors mixed.  Anyway...

So I like to wear skirts and pants with higher waistlines because I am broad in the hips and this helps to draw attention to my waist versus my hips.  In light of Shybiker's recent post on dressing for your body type I was wondering what tricks do YOU use to emphasize or minimize the shape of your body?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Black and Dots

Nothing like a bit of attitude in photos right?  LOL  I have been playing around with different ways to wear my hair up and my mom recently showed me how to do a french roll #ILOVEIT . What a cool hairstyle and you know that I love BIG Hair.  I did have big hair in the late 80's, I used that Aussie Ice hairspray to make my hair as big as possible.  OH OUCH!

Anyway, quick photo of attempt 1 of a french roll.  Have a super day.

Whats your favorite hairstyle??

Monday, July 14, 2014

Coral and Black

I'm loving this coral color.  I had about 10 minutes to take these today so only captured a few and of course, a weird look in my face.  Figures.

Do you have any signature WEIRD looks that people know you for?  My mom used to tell me "wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you... "  hah hah

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pink Ruffle

I love taking outfit photos as a way to objectively 'see' yourself/myself.  I find I see how I look differently when I look at photos of myself vs in the mirror.  Blogging has served to help me not be so critical of myself and be more objective.

How bout you? What is a surprising thing you have learned through having your blog?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Stretchy Clothes

And hello there!! It's been awhile. Lots going on.  There was an unexpected death in our immediate family recently and hence I was in a complete fog and had to go home to be with family. It was a very emotional time, a very sad time.  

From there, went straight into a training camp we had planned.  I must say: I was physically ready for the camp but was emotionally exhausted. This was a whole other kind of hurdle to overcome.  At anyrate, I just spent almost 12 days doing nothing but cycling, running and swimming.  As you can imagine: I pretty much LIVED in nothing but what my mom calls "Stretchy Clothes".

Not much else to report other than a big garden that needs some extensive weeding since we've been away. Sorry for the lack of fashionable outfits but you get me unplugged.

PS. These new shoes I'm wearing look HUGE but they are very comfy- the new ultra distance runners shoes called  HOKA's.  I ran 80km in them with no problem, no soreness or anything!! They are awesome.

Hope you are all well.