Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sad goodbye to my good little friend

I haven't been around much (my blog, that is).  I must admit, I've been really sad the last few weeks.  My best little friend in the world recently went to kitty heaven and I am really really missing her.  Deze was in my life for the past 17 years. She moved across the province with me, she went camping with me, she saw me through the breakup of a relationship, supported me through doing my Master's degree and assessed and gave fiance the go ahead to not only date me but to move in with us as well.  She was always unconditional even when she wasn't all that interested.  She was loyal and loving. She was playful and peaceful.  Above all else, through thick and thin she was there with me- even at night-every night, sleeping on my stomach.  She was fierce and fearless and gentle and sweet.  I miss her. Alot. Every day.  It's going to take a long time to get used to coming home to a quiet, empty house without her presence after 17 years. I wish I had a beautiful little black and white outfit like hers. She always looked good. She was the bestest most fashionable cat in the WORLD. My world at least.
RIP Deze.  We miss you!!  xoo J