Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Work Uniform Experiement

Its been a crazy busy month. For unforeseen reasons, we had to move out of the building where our work office is. That is 10 staff and 10 years of stuff we had to sort, purge, shred, pack up.  Not much got done this month other than all the preparations for a move that had to take place in less than 1 month.  Between that and the rest of busy life, I've not even thought about outfits or fashion- its all been about whats comfortable for being in the basement sorting archives.

Anyway, our big first day at the new place is September 1.  We'll be sharing the space with about 25 other people doing similar work.  I must admit I've been feeling a bit of stress around having to dress better given I will be around alot more people on a daily basis. Don't you know its all about looking good? :)

I came across an article about Matilda Kahl, an art director in New York who got tired of focusing on
how to dress each day and chose to create her own work uniform so it took the thinking out of what to wear each day. She said that she was way more productive out of doing it and felt alot less stressed. You can read all about her story here.

I'm going to take this on for the month of September and see how it goes. My plan is to keep it simple and basically wear black and white as basics and can add accessories for color.  I'm planning on posting regularly so lets see how this goes!

Has anyone else tried something like this?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Blue Sleeveless

One photo turned out today. For some reason the rest were blurry.  I had to drive today so could wear a pencil skirt.  Lots going on lately, very busy at work, we are moving into a new building with a very short timeline for the move so we suddenly have to go through all our old documents and purge a bunch of stuff. All this on top of the regular workload.  Then at home we are replacing all the gutters on the house and studio as well as repainting the whole outside.  The garden is growing like a monster and we have so many cabbages even the neighbors are turning down the offer of free cabbage (they've already all gotten some once before :)

I LOVE this time of year, the hot weather, having sun makes me feel so alive and healthy. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.  Off for a nice hike this weekend with a friend I haven't caught up with for ages so am really looking forward to that.

I also went to see a nutritionist today and was very excited about seeing her and what will come out of that. I'm always interested in learning more about how to be even more healthy and changing things up abit.  Will share more with you as I go.  Hope you are all well!!