Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Zebra Dress Curly Hair

I always love getting my hair cut. However, now that my hair is growing long I don't get it cut as much and the  style doesn't change.  A wee bang trim today and freshen up a few highlights and then Julia put stuff in my hair to make it curly and then did this fun updo.  So easy to do! There are hairpins underneath and the hair on top is spilling over.  Anyway- I will try this myself sometime.   So busy at work I didn't even get a chance to eat lunch. My stomach is growling so see ya later... I am going to eat dinner now!! Have a super evening.  xox J

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jodi Unplugged: After the big weekend

Happy Sunday evening!  Here's a peek at Jodi Unplugged on a Sunday after dinner.  I have NO makeup on and my hair is in crazy braids with it all frizzy after my early workout and then the day in the garden.  Oh, and look- I am even wearing my favorite old stretched out t-shirt :).

Why do I look like this  you might ask?
This was a big volume weekend for our training.  I will give you a snapshot of what my weekend looked like:

Saturday: meet team 8am. Ride HILLY 180km bike ride, come home and run 30 minutes immediately after.  Make recovery smoothie.  Shower.  20 minute recovery nap.  Clean house. Make dinner. Check email.  Prepare stuff for Sunday workout.

Sunday: meet team 9am.  Run 1.5 hour hard/fast run, followed by 30 minute swim.  Come home, eat recovery snack. Shower.  Weed garden.  Pack for upcoming trip.  Clean house.  Make dinner, make quiche for lunch for the upcoming week.  Prepare swim stuff for 6am swim on Monday.

We are nearing the BIG RACE (end of August).  I can honestly say, I LOVE this part of the training.  I am feeling SO strong and fit with this being the beginning of our peak level of fitness.  I must admit I have been lacking in the creative outfit department for the last while but I will try to get a few more fun outfits on and photographed for your viewing pleasure :)

I hope you all had a great weekend doing something that made your heart sing :)  MWAH and talk to ya this week. xoxo J

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Jeans and Strawberries

Hump Day. Interesting start to the middle of the week. I had the cutest white skirt and blue and white top on with a red belt today. Very nautical looking and cute if you ask me :).  Get to work. Was there about 20 minutes and had a wardrobe malfunction big enough to warrant having to come home and get changed. EGADS!! So, since I don't have meetings outside of the office I threw on some jeans, my favorite pair by David Bitton.  Those jeans fit me best out of any I have ever found.  Anyway, then I noticed that a bunch of the strawberries from our garden needed picking so I got busy.  I then made an awesome salad with organic greens, strawberries and pecans along with a left over piece of sockeye salmon to take back for  my lunch. Talk about YUM.

What did you have for lunch today?

Monday, July 16, 2012


Casual day at the office today. Since I am only holed up planning and not having to meet with anyone I wore some shorts. I can never find full pants that fit me well so usually live in skirts and dressy shorts if I can find them.  I am also not a big fan of white on me but.. the whole reason I wore this was because I found this silk scarf for $0.50 and wanted to wear it at least once.  Its a pain in the a$$ though if I tell the truth. The length is strange and I am feeling like I am wearing a man's tie today!!  Anyway, that's the whole point right? To experiment.  I think next time I would use this scarf as a belt instead, or pair it with a plain black dress.  If it suited me to do so, I would wear it as a wrap in my hair- BUT you won't see that on this blog. Not on me.

Hope you are having a super day. I swam this morning, and do my run drills tonight.  less than 2 months til Ironman so we are working hard!!  How bout you? What kind of exercise did you get today??

Thursday, July 12, 2012

On the Road Again

Hello lovely Bloggers!   Race season has ramped up so I haven't had alot of time to get out for my outfit photos.  Casual outfit from the road trip to a 1/2 ironman race we just did.  Not only was it a really tough race in terms of HILLS but it was also record breaking heat. I usually wither in the heat on the run but this time around I totally rocked it.  I had one of  the fastest swims for this distance of a race, a solid bike ride and then a good run.  In the end I placed 4th so I was both surprised and happy at the results.  Lesson Number 1: Never give up.

And here I am sporting some leisure shorts and t-shirt.  The yellow line of course, is a good pop of color :)

Hope all is well with you!! MWAH xox J